Evidence-Based Decision
Making for AMR R&D

Join the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Development Hub in countering antimicrobial resistance through data-driven research and collaborative solutions. Together, we can safeguard global health.

About our work


The Global AMR R&D Hub regularly publishes policy analysis, reports, articles and data insights together with a range of partners. Read the latest here.

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One Health

One Health emphasises the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health, recognising that the well-being of each is essential for addressing complex global health challenges, preventing disease outbreaks, and to preserve the intricate web of life on our planet.

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Dynamic Dashboard

AMR R&D Progress

The Global AMR R&D Hub’s Dynamic Dashboard continuously collects and presents information on more than USD 12.8 billion worth of AMR R&D investments from across the One Health spectrum, with information on human, animal, plant and environment sectors. It also presents information on antibacterial products in the clinical development pipeline and incentives for antibacterial R&D.

You can select and apply various parameters based on infectious agent, year, One Health sector, research area or funder location.

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The Hub in Numbers

16075 Projects
14.5 billion USD
of funding accounted for
271 Funders
represented in our data
99 Countries
represented in our data
3305 Research Organisations
represented in our data
27 Total
Countries, Organisations and Observers in our Board

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Dynamic Dashboard