3rd Global High-Level Ministerial Conference on AMR

3rd Global High-Level Ministerial Conference on AMR

Marking the conclusion of World Antimicrobial Resistance Week 2022, the Third Global High-Level Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) took place on Nov 24-25 in Muscat, Oman.

The necessity of equitable access to innovation across sectors was highlighted, and the meeting paved the way for achieving further concrete political action on AMR, with an outlook to the 4th High Level Meeting on AMR in Saudi Arabia and the United Nations General Assembly High Level Meeting on AMR both taking place in 2024.

The Global AMR R&D Hub was honoured to be able to attend and be a part of this meeting in the Sultanate of Oman and looks forward to supporting and actively partaking in this pathway to action on AMR.

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