On the 27th April 2023, The Global AMR R&D Hub’s Members, Observers and Stakeholder Group held a shared dialogue on pull incentives to exchange perspectives and highlight areas for action. The meeting report is now published!
It is widely recognized that pull incentives will have a transformative impact on the development and access to novel antimicrobials addressing unmet needs in AMR. However, aligning the mechanism(s) and principles for implementing such incentives within national health system frameworks is still an open question for many countries.
The Global AMR R&D Hub’s (Hub) 17 member countries and the European Commission (EC) are all at different stages in developing AMR strategies, including the approach to pull incentives for incentivizing the development of and access to new antimicrobials. The Hub members agreed that an informal platform for discussing the topic of pull incentives was crucial for making progress in this area. The Pull Incentives Working Group was established in April 2022, comprised of the Hub’s Board Members (and technical representatives) & Observers, to share lessons learned and challenges faced across countries.
Over the last year the working group has engaged in an open and informal dialogue between member countries and other Hub members and Observers, with a key focus on the topic area of ‘valuation’ of new antimicrobials. A range of different approaches currently being implemented or evaluated by countries have been explored via case studies and expert presentations followed by discussion sessions.
The working group has forged a broader awareness and recognition of similarities and differences in approach between countries and encouraged exchanges to discuss respective approaches to pull incentives and AMR strategy in general.
The Hub convened a virtual meeting to discuss the progress of this working group and gain feedback from the Hub’s Stakeholder Group on a range of guiding questions to help shape the working group’s future direction. The feedback from the Stakeholder Group on the questions posed was provided during the meeting and in written format following the meeting.
Key points discussed:
- Pull Incentives – appropriate size & valuation principles
- AMR R&D targets
- Equitable access to new and existing antimicrobials
- Development of antibacterials & alternatives in the animal health sector
A summary of the discussion was compiled and is accessible here