Global AMR R&D Hub at EU-JAMRAI 2nd Annual Meeting & Stakeholder Forum

On September 16-17, 2019 the Secretariat of the Global AMR R&D Hub was represented at the Stakeholder Forum of the EU Joint Action Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (EU JAMRAI) in Rome:
The Secretariat Lead, Dr Elmar Nimmesgern, participated in the round-table discussion on Economic models for stimulating innovation and access to antimicrobials. In the discussion he highlighted the importance of framing the discussion on incentives for antibiotics, both new and old, with concrete examples.

Dr Nimmesgern also led a workshop discussion on the antibiotics debate in Germany at the MSD Health Forum 2019 in Munich. There he suggested that discussions in Germany on assuring availability of innovative antibiotics and incentives for R&D may be relevant for other countries and there would be benefit in considering how the German approaches could be put into an international context and communicated more transparently.

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