Vision & Mission
The Global AMR R&D Hub is a partnership of countries, non-governmental donor organisations and intergovernmental organisations to address challenges and improve coordination and collaboration in global AMR R&D using a One Health approach. The Hub was launched in May 2018 and is steered by a Board of Members. A Secretariat operates under the umbrella of DZIF, the German Centre for Infection Research.
Our Vision
A sustainable ecosystem for the research and development of the solutions, tools, products and strategies we need to mitigate the ongoing impacts of AMR
Our Mission
We provide an evidence base to enhance AMR R&D activities and policies across the One Health spectrum
Key Objectives
- inform high-level decision makers on R&D pipelines and other relevant aspects of AMR R&D, in order to identify and prioritise R&D gaps and help focus high-level decision-making,
- facilitate the efficient allocation of resources,
- promote increased investments into push and pull incentives for AMR R&D in order to maximize the impact of national and international research activities,
- foster international research collaboration among different partners globally, including industry and academia,
- support the filling of product pipelines with priority candidates, using an appropriate mix of incentives, with a view to the development of deployable products, while recognizing the importance of access, prudent use, and stewardship,
- inform policy makers on AMR R&D and keep attention on AMR at high political levels,
- raise and maintain public awareness and visibility through communication of the work of the GLOBAL AMR R&D HUB and its results.