Pillar 1: Guide and support evidence-based decision making
The Global AMR R&D Hub provides an evidence-based picture of AMR R&D activities and resources through its Dynamic Dashboard. Over time, the information supplied by the Dynamic Dashboard will inform high-level decision and policy makers on successful initiatives and mechanisms to be supported and R&D gaps to be filled. This will in turn assist in the efficient allocation of resources and help to maximize the impact of research activities and efforts. The recommendations of the Hub will reflect the priorities set by WHO, FAO and OIE.
The Global AMR R&D Hub:
- Collects relevant AMR R&D information globally from public and private sources across the One Health spectrum2 , across the entire value chain and across technology sectors and as close to real time as possible
- Collates and presents information on components of the R&D effort tailored primarily to policy and decision makers, and;
- Analyses information to provide policy-level recommendations on gaps and opportunities, including possible market interventions (push and pull mechanisms) to respond to market challenges and to incentivise R&D. Recommendations are approved by the Board.