
Strategy drives decisions in organizational design. Therefore by proactively pursuing new skills and knowledge, we prepare Global AMR R&D Hub for the intended future state.

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Action is being taken across the globe to reinvigorate R&D related to AMR as demonstrated by the growing number of initiatives that either directly incentivise, coordinate or encourage AMR R&D. Given the urgency of the situation there is still a need to increase efforts and resources and improve collaboration across different sectors and initiatives involved in AMR R&D. Identifying duplication, recognizing and building on existing activities and promoting current work will help to ensure the most efficient use of efforts and resources. The Global AMR R&D Hub was established following a call from G20 Leaders for a new international R&D collaboration hub ‘to maximise the impact of existing and new antimicrobial basic and clinical research initiatives as well as product development’. The Global AMR R&D Hub aims to improve and enhance R&D activities and policies across the One Health spectrum. The Global AMR R&D Hub is not a funding body and does not conduct research. The Global AMR R&D Hub collects and presents information on AMR R&D investments and market interventions. This information is intended for countries, foundations, organisations and initiatives to help set priorities and maximise the impact of resources invested in R&D to mitigate the AMR threat.

Strategic approach

Building on the founding document of the Global AMR R&D Hub – the Terms of Reference, – this document presents the strategic orientation for the work of the Global AMR R&D Hub delineated in three pillars. The three pillars are:

  1. Guide and support evidence-based decision making;
  2. Enhance collaboration and coordination; and;
  3. Promote awareness, knowledge and visibility.

Consolidated information on AMR R&D provided by the Global AMR R&D Hub’s Dynamic Dashboard and resulting analyses is intended to assist with the identification of global AMR R&D priorities. Over time, the information provided and further activities of the Global AMR R&D Hub will help to support and improve coordination and collaboration in AMR R&D. This will be assisted by the Hub’s effort to strengthen awareness at high political levels of the role of R&D to address AMR.

Pillar 1: Guide and support evidence-based decision making

The Global AMR R&D Hub provides an evidence-based picture of AMR R&D activities and resources through its Dynamic Dashboard. Over time, the information supplied by the Dynamic Dashboard will inform high-level decision and policy makers on successful initiatives and mechanisms to be supported and R&D gaps to be filled. This will in turn assist in the efficient allocation of resources and help to maximize the impact of research activities and efforts. The recommendations of the Hub will reflect the priorities set by WHO, FAO and OIE.

The Global AMR R&D Hub:

  1. Collects relevant AMR R&D information globally from public and private sources across the One Health spectrum2 , across the entire value chain and across technology sectors and as close to real time as possible
  2. Collates and presents information on components of the R&D effort tailored primarily to policy and decision makers, and;
  3. Analyses information to provide policy-level recommendations on gaps and opportunities, including possible market interventions (push and pull mechanisms) to respond to market challenges and to incentivise R&D. Recommendations are approved by the Board.

Pillar 2: Enhance collaboration and coordination

The Global AMR R&D Hub enhances coordination and improves collaboration at the policy level by making recommendations on gaps and opportunities in AMR R&D. These recommendations are made across all sectors, organisations and initiatives, and acknowledge and respect the different values and objectives of different actors. This enables recognition of existing activities, and promotes relevant work both planned and underway. In addition, collaboration is essential for the development and sustainability of the Dynamic Dashboard. Its success relies on establishing effective networks and streamlined data collection processes to support AMR R&D initiatives, researchers, developers, industry, funders and countries to contribute information. The Dashboard’s success further depends on its ability to provide timely and useful information back to its stakeholders.

The Global AMR R&D Hub:

  1. Promotes cross-sectoral and cross-disciplinary approaches;
  2. Stimulates communication and interaction between different actors in the AMR R&D field and fosters greater mutual understanding;
  3. Establishes links and works in synergy with other existing platforms, and;
  4. Engages with different partners to advance its work and achieve its vision.

Pillar 3: Promote awareness, knowledge and visibility

The Global AMR R&D Hub strengthens awareness and highlights the importance of AMR R&D, maintains attention and helps mobilise action and investments at all levels including the highest political levels. This is achieved through impactful and unambiguous communication, advocacy and strategic engagement.

The Global AMR R&D Hub:

  1. Emphasises to decision and policy makers the importance of R&D to address AMR;
  2. Communicates recommendations to influence more efficient allocation of global resources/investments;
  3. Advocates for increased and more sustainable investments into AMR R&D at the highest political level, and;
  4. Keeps the momentum for global AMR R&D at high political level.

Terms of Reference

The present Terms of Reference set the framework for the establishment and operation of the Global AMR R&D Hub.


Rules of Procedure

The Rules of Procedure (RoP) supplement the Terms of Reference (ToR). The ToR build the basis for the work of the Global AMR R&D Hub, defining i.a. decision making processes, voting rights and membership.


Work Plan 2022-2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred a shift in global health priorities and highlighted the need to strengthen health security and preparedness, with innovative research alongside co-ordinated global responses pivotal to achieving this goal.


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Dynamic Dashboard