7-8th February, 2023: The Global AMR R&D Hub was thrilled to have the opportunity to present on AMR research and development across sectors at the 6th meeting of the Global Leaders Group on AMR last week (Feb 7-8), hosted by Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley in Barbados. The meeting report can be found here.

The meeting was an opportunity to take stock of progress made by the group since its establishment (in Nov 2020), but also to look forward, with a focus on turning the political momentum generated so far into action, especially as we head towards the UN General Assembly in 2024 & the 4th High Level Ministerial Conference on AMR, hosted by Saudi Arabia.

Hub Secretariat Director, Dr. Lesley Ogilvie, presented within the ‘Research and Development’ session, which explored challenges and opportunities to advance scientific synergy and investment on RnD across sectors. The session was expertly facilitated by GLG on AMR members Prof. António Fernando Correiade Campos and Dr. Guilherme Antonioda Costa Junior.

Our presentation provided an overview of the current state of the public and philanthropic global AMR RnD landscape, highlighting how much, who, what, and where funding is flowing. Key outcomes from recent reports were discussed, including across the animal health sector:

➡️Animal health R&D funding patterns in LMICs: The-Animal-Health-AMR-RD-Landscape-in-Low-and-Middle-Income-Countries-An-Analysis-of-Funding-Patterns.pdf

➡️Investments in animal health vaccines to reduce antibiotic use: Incentivising the development of new antibacterial treatments: Progress report by the Global AMR R&D Hub and WHO – Global AMR R&D Hub (globalamrhub.org)

The necessity of pull incentives to create a sustainable and innovative ecosystem for developing new antibacterials that address public health needs as well as ensure their appropriate use and equitable access was widely recognized, alongside the development, uptake and access to diagnostics, vaccines and other preventives – essential parts of our toolkit to mitigate AMR.

We applaud the continued efforts of the GLG to tackle AMR. There is a sense of optimism but realization that there is a lot still to do to ensure that the momentum will translate into concrete action across governments. Co-ordinated and collaborative action across all key stakeholders is required.

Let’s make this happen!

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