Zoonoses 2022 – International Symposium on Zoonoses Research

The Zoonoses 2022 – International Symposium on Zoonoses Research took place in Berlin from the 5th to the 7th of October with the theme of One Health.

Keynote speakers were:

➜ Osman A. Dar (UK Health Security Agency & Royal Institute of International Affairs)

➜ Thomas Gillespie (EMORY University)

➜ Mark Holmes (University of Cambridge)

➜ André Karch (Universität Münster)

➜ Karen Levy (University of Washington)

Deputy Director of the Global AMR R&D Hub, Dr Ralf Sudbrak, also gave a presentation titled The Global AMR R&D Hub: Global knowledge centre and driving force for evidence-based AMR advocacy during the Antimicrobial use ad resistance session of the Symposium.

The Symposium website is here and the full Symposium program can be found here.

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