The Animal Health AMR R&D Landscape in Low and Middle-Income Countries: An Analysis of Funding Patterns

This report is a collaborative initiative of the International Development Research Centre and the Global AMR R&D Hub. The report presents an analysis of international funding for animal health antimicrobial resistance (AMR) research and development (R&D) since 2017. The goal of this analysis is to present an overview of investment trends in animal health AMR research that is either funded by Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs), directed at research institutions based in LMICs, or otherwise connected to LMICs. In presenting these trends, the report aims to highlight the types of research, pathogens, and animal health subsectors that receive the most (and the least) funding, as well as the countries and regions that these investments are connected to. Utilising the Global AMR R&D Hub’s Dynamic Dashboard data, the analysis in this report covered basic and applied AMR R&D investments that included an animal health component: 1,440 separate investments in 1,241 unique projects by 120 different funders worth a total of 1.02 billion USD.

Key points:

  • Animal health funding comprises 11% of the 8.91 billion USD in AMR R&D funding since 2017. Less than one third of these investments involves LMICs, amounting to 301 million USD since 2017.
  • Almost three quarters of all funding in animal health AMR R&D in the Dynamic Dashboard is by funding institutions based in the UK. Other countries from which the most funding originates include the US, China, the EU, Japan and Canada, which together make up 95% of all funding in this space.
  • Funders based in LMICs support 12% of all investments in animal health AMR R&D in the Dynamic Dashboard and account for 2% of total funding. Of LMICs that fund their own research, Brazil is the leading investor in animal health AMR R&D by number of investments (49%), followed by China (38%) and Argentina (7%).

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